Tuesday, June 07, 2005

list of student blogs

Here is the list of blogs generated by students for the extra credit assignment. The idea was to find an application of 2 reaction that we learned about in class. Most of the blogs were submitted right before the deadline so there was no time to give feedback. There are errors in many of these and several do not adhere to the guidelines (especially linking to online peer-reviewed articles). However they are listed here to highlight the multiple uses of organic synthesis and the interesting variety in the ways of presenting such information on blogs.

Akshay's Orgo Blog
Smitha's blog
Jennifer's Blog
Andu's Blog
Hydroxylamine Sri
J.D.'s blog

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Lecture 028: Wheel of orgo 5

There were no questions for the exam so we did one last Wheel of Orgo to practice reactions from the whole course. There were 3 enol reaction patterns to identify in the first 2 syntheses. Then we synthesized a cat from glycine.

mp3 podcast Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

streaming screencast Flash

Lecture 028 pdf

pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Lecture 027: make-up test 2 review

We went over some common mistakes made in test 2, mainly on enol chemistry.

mp3 podcast Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.

streaming screencast Flash

Lecture 027 pdf

pdf Right-click and select "save target as" if downloading manually.